Saturday, June 27, 2009

Walk for so shall just his and whirled peas

The other day I did my "Walk for Social Justice" to raise money for my trip and to reflect and find that wonderful place of peace within myself.
As you might know I did the Camino de Santiago last summer with my dad, a walking pilgrimage in northern Spain. I found that walking is one of the best ways to experience a place and that it is truly one of the most peaceful things to do. We met so many wonderful people along the way and fell in love with the simple life of the camino. Here is a link to a slideshow my dad made of the trip.

Anyways, I decided it would be a little ridiculous to drive somewhere only to start walking somewhere else. So I just stepped out my front door and took a left. From there I basically walked all over the Sammamish plateau, through the woods, along the road, stopped at the grocery store to make myself a sign that read "Today I'm walking for social justice" that I attached to my backpack (definitely a conversation starter). For the first few hours I found my mind contemplating how I can be better at cultivating loving and peaceful relationships with everyone around me.
But after all the chatter of my mind subsided, I noticed only how every leaf seemed to bow reverently to me and I couldn't help but bow back. I never cease to be amazed by the mystery of existence. And then there it was, the feeling that I touched once again of pure bliss, peace, love, existing everywhere and permeating everything. I couldn't help but smile and know that even with all of the suffering and corruption in the world that there still exists joy. And that is truly a beautiful thing.

All of my love,

p.s. tonight I begin the dreaded malaria meds, and you know what that means??!?! TWO DAYS TO INDIA!

p.p.s. I printed out directions to the family's house I will be staying with in the first few nights, they look a little something like this, "turn left at old maherauli rd, turn left, turn right, turn left, turn left" street names? Hahaha, should be interesting :)

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I loved catching up on your pre-India blogging. Did you find your first family's home? I'd like to be a fly on the Mango tree watching you as you navigate the directions - I'm sure you did just dandy! :)
