Friday, January 8, 2010

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)

phew. so here i am. nearly 10,000 feet they say. walking up the stairs is akin to summiting everest, on top of the constant translation, i am EXHAUSTED. i always forget how tiring it is to always be trying to figure out what the heck is going on. but that´s how it goes!
we had a long orientation at CIMAS today where they told us all about the dangers and precautions (all in spanish)--of which i will spare you the heart attacks and anxiety. ahem. ;)

quito is beautiful, even more calm and slow than i expected. the spanish here, the city, remind me of water gently flowing over rocks in a stream.

met my host family and am at their house now...they had us sitting in a room, students on one end and families on other, and called out our names one by one. i was one of the last, feeling like a little puppy trying to look cute, wagging my tail, hoping someone would take me home. they obviously know me well already, gave me a bunch of roses! sigh. just wanted to give you a quick update but i have nothing profound or very coherent to say now. i am going to chill with my host sister rosita and giggle over my rusty spanish. time to hit the dicionario.

todo mi corazon,


  1. Ha, hopefully you won't get sick of hearing from me. I'm still slightly embarrassed about how my screen name pops up on here, but it's the only way this thing will let me post a comment on your blog.

    Oh, how I miss thee Laura O'neill. I am totally in on our loving family. I think it sounds beautiful.

    Speaking of that Dan guy, he has yet to send me the email on how to send you letter, so your letter is still sitting on my desk. I must have re-written it about 5 times, only because I'm sort of OCD when it comes to handwriting... ha, but I finally finished a copy.

    It's monday and oh how dreary it is outside. Especially sitting in this office. I've been researching new jobs for the past week. I just don't think I can take it much longer. I got another promotion and a bonus, and I realized that when I got it, it didn't make me happier at all.

    I hope you are doing well. Once you come back home you are going to be a prooooo-fessionallllll at speaking spanish. How lovely.

    Sending you love. Miss you girl. xoxo


  2. ooh one random thought. you know how you were telling me that you wrote a poem all about changing the letter "i" in the word live to "o" to make love.... well... OLIVE!!!!

    k, done.
