Monday, July 20, 2009

Organized chaos, unified movement

Paharaganj, backpacker central of Delhi
Flowing near Manali

I never thought we would actually get here

Eating my mango scraps, as I took this picture I realized he and I were sitting in the exact same position... :)
What we were up against all week in Rishikesh, they throw the colorful strutures into the Ganges and apparently indulge in many mind-altering substances *wink* (which explains a lot, and really eases my mind about these men, considering how horribly we were treated)

Arrived yesterday in Delhi again after an interesting week in Rishikesh. We didn't get the peaceful spiritual experience like everyone says, but then again, absolutely nothing here is ever what you expect. It's really quite wonderful actually, expecting that things will be difficult/confusing/completely opposite what people say. Then, when it's easy it's a pleasant surprise. Trying to get south to Bangalore has been quite the task. After many travel agents, hours online, and multiple trips to the train I have a train ticket. Should be very interesting being on a train for 2 days, I am excited to have this experience.

I've decided to take back my statement about India's driving being insane. Upon first experience, it does seem pretty ridiculous. After spending a bit of time here I've found that it is actually quite the opposite. Cars drive within inches of eachother, so in tune with eachother's movement that there are no crashes (that I have seen yet). People, rickshaws, cars, dogs, all move like a wave to the beat of a very distant, but deeply familar beat. The best way I can put it into words is the title of this post, although I'm sure on long train rides to come I will figure out a better way. Just trying to convey a little piece of what it feels like here.
Love you all very much!

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